Our Story

“Just show me my purpose,” I said aloud to my empty living room. Within hours, Todd literally knocked on my door.

That was in 2013 and since then we have become affectionately known as “KrisTo.” Our combined name represents a combined life in which our interests, adventures and experiences are woven together into a unique, very colorful tapestry. We most definitely find purpose in our togetherness.

Hand in hand, we like to sprinkle a little magic on all that we do. Whether we’re traveling, camping, cooking, entertaining or cosplaying, a little “pizzaz” makes everything more memorable. And when we share the magic with kindred spirits, the energy multiplies! We believe that true delight is found in the space of open hearts and creative minds. It’s found not only in what a person does, but how they do it… how they live, how they connect, how they feel and make others feel. 

KrisTo’s Corner exists to inspire your magic! Every given moment is a precious gift and it’s within your power to amplify the goodness in your life with intention and imagination. As we share our experiences and passions, our hope is that you will find a nugget (or two) of inspiration that will add dazzle to how you live, connect, feel and make others feel!

Throughout our site, we’ve got ideas that will add enchantment to your travels, glamp to your camp and sparkle to your Cosplay. We have style points to make the events you host feel epic and tips to make light food feel like a splurge!

So, welcome to our little corner of the world! We’re so happy you’re here!

Take a look around and stay a while!

Kristen & Todd